Mount and blade bandit lair
Mount and blade bandit lair

mount and blade bandit lair

You can free lords even without this quest, though you will not be awarded with anything except honor and a relationship boost with the lord. Your task will be to free the lord, either by successfully capturing the castle or town, or by breaking in and freeing the lord. You can quickly determine who will give the quest by asking any bartender what work is available. Rescue a relative: This quest is available whenever the lord has any relatives who are held captive by enemies in either a town or castle.If you are feeling a little greedy, you can keep the money for yourself (usually about 5000 denars) and avoid the lord who gave you the quest, you will lose a lots of relationship, and the Lord will remember the act and remind to you every time you meet him, you can pay him back later, but he will keep all the taxes. Note: once you've completed this quest, the time limit is removed. If you collect all the taxes, you'll get one fifth of them from the Lord and relation will raise by 2. While collecting, and after enough time has passed, you will be asked if you wish to continue collecting (citizens/villagers will get angry and even revolt you'll have to fight them and you'll lose relationship with that city/village) or to halve the taxes (the Lord who gave you the quest won't give you any reward).

mount and blade bandit lair

Collect taxes: You will be asked to collect the taxes from a town or a village.These quests are identical the ones in Mount and Blade: Warband. They may also wish to borrow one of your Companions. Lords are found in Cities, Castles, or in the map, and their quests include collecting taxes, catching criminals or delivering messages.

Mount and blade bandit lair